Our Story

God Did A Wonderful Thing...

On March 6th of 1944, following the collapse of the “Kleine Gemeinde”, a committee of 5 was appointed to work together to organize and plant a church in Meade, Kansas. By March 12th the name “Emmanuel Mennonite” had been chosen and by April 30th of that same year, EMC consisted of 124 members. In September of 1944, 20 believers were baptized and added to church membership. Originally built south of the city, the current facilities were constructed in 1965, being dedicated for service on June 12th, 1966.

In EMC’s infancy a letter was circulated among the possible members of the church in which the question was asked; “Do you promise to assist in the spiritual building of the church with your gifts, and to allow yourself to be built up in the faith, I Peter 2:5?” These charter members, beginning with those desires, built upon a foundation that has gone on to serve the community of Meade, Kansas for over 70 years.
EMC: Aug. 5th 1945

Keeping The Faith...

It is with that same spirit, to worship together and use the gifts that God has given His children for the edification of the church, that EMC continues to meet together and minister the "one another's" together in community.
Emmanuel Mennonite Church exists to Equip the saints (Eph. 4:12) through the faithful expositional preaching and teaching of the Scripture and through the steadfast pursuit of Biblical theology and doctrine as supported by the sufficiency of God's inerrant and inspired Word. To Minister the word by providing ample opportunities to practically apply the "one another's" to the local congregation and community through Biblical soul care and discipleship (1 Thess. 5:14). As well as through training men to be leaders in the church and in their own homes (1 Timothy 2:1-2), and through actively supporting the kingdom of God both locally and abroad (Matthew 28:19-20). To Connect in community through regular worship (Heb. 10:25), instruction, observances of the ordinances, edification, fellowship, and the carrying out of the program to which God has called us.

Where we are headed...

The direction of EMC has remained the same for over 70 years. As we look ahead to the next 70 years God has placed it on our hearts to "reach the 1000" unchurched in the area of Meade County. Through sharing the Gospel with the lost and building strong disciples for the Kingdom of God we expect to see God do an incredible work through the servant spirit of the congregation of EMC.

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 9:45am.